5-Episode TV Series
Written and Directed by David Kiern
Produced by Dr. Joaquin G. Molina
Chart a course to the exotic island of Cuba, and join a team of American men who inspired a nation. What Is A Man? Expedition Cuba is a five-episode television series which tells the story of God's original design for every man, set against the backdrop of a mission to Cuba. Hear personal testimonies of men whose lives have been transformed by principals of manhood extracted from the Word of God. Grasp the tools to be a faithful husband, a devoted father and a world-changing man of action. Uncover the reasons why Jesus Christ is the perfect model of a man.
Based on Pastor Joaquin G. Molina's book, What Is A Man?, this exciting television series is the ultimate guide for Biblical manhood.
WHAT IS A MAN? EXPEDITION CUBA - Episode 5 Opening Sequence
Here’s one of our favorite scenes from the series!
Dr. Joaquin G. Molina shares his dream to bring the Good News of God to the land of his fathers.